Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Message from Archangel Raziel

21st March 2006 1:06pm AEST

Welcome, I am the Archangel Raziel. For those of you who do not know me I am the keeper of secrets. I am the holder of knowledge and wisdom.

The time has come for all who seek the truth. Many of you are now seeking answers to the questions that have been asked over a millennia of time. Many of you seek truth. The time has now arrived for all who seek to know the truth.

For many of your centuries we have watched and waited for you to reach the level that you are at now. The light shining from you is extremely bright and beautiful and we welcome you.

There will be a time when more of you seek answers – these will be the new people. Today I speak to you so that you may pass on this knowledge onto the new individuals who are seeking just as you are now.

I hold a key for you. This key will open the door to the many truths and secrets that have been kept from you. Take this key and as you meditate I will help you unlock the door. Within you will find me and to you I will give a message.

There are many of you who are changing. Do not be afraid of this change. This change is necessary for you to ascend to your next level of vibration.

You have probably already realized that there are more and more individuals, such as yourself, who have started to question their lives. Have started to realize that “there is more to life than this”.

This concentration of individuals has allowed others like myself to give messages to all who wish to hear. For all who wish to learn.

There are also many lightworkers who question themselves unnecessarily. They are still coming to terms with who they are and what they are becoming. They are struggling to hold onto what they are familiar with. Again I say do not be afraid we are here to guide you.

Everyone of you as you awaken will become aware of your path for this life.

I must go now my friend here grows weary.

Remember we are with you always.

Archangel Raziel.
Today (and last night) I kept getting a name going over and over in my head... the name is Archangel Raziel. I ended up ringing a friend of mine who has knowledge of the archangels to get her guidance on it. My friend told me that this is one angel she has never heard of before but told me that this particular angel has a message for me and told me to get pen and paper ready so I could write down this message. Which you can now see above.

I know of some of the Archangels - Michael, Gabriel, Metatron, Rapheal etc. But as this is a new name to me I ended up doing some online research for Archangel Raziel and this is what I found:

In hebrew this name means "Secrets of God" and it is believed that his knowledge comes from hearing and writing down everything that is said around God's throne.

Raziel had written a book known as "The Book of the Angel Raziel" in which contains 1500 keys to the mysteries of the universe. When Raziel wrote these keys, he wrote them in such a way that only he could decipher them. His language that was used in this book cannot even be deciphered by the greatest of angels.

Raziel is called the angel of mysteries and is the keeper of a vast amount of knowledge on matters of secrecy, arcane and mysterious.

He is one of the Cherubim a guardian of originality and the realm of new ideas. He has knowledge of many of the mystical arts and can give you an understanding of the energy currents of the magikal universe.

He has a glowing yellow aura and wears a grey robe that swirls as if made of liquid. His wings are large sky-blue and he is quite tall in stature.
A Cherubim is one of the nine orders in which angels are divided, each with specific duties and honours.

The First Hierarchy is clustered around the central core of purity and they are divided as follows: Seraphim, Cherubim and Thrones.

It is the Cherubims duty to hold the knowledge of God. They are also the ones who are often sent to Earth with the biggest or hardest tasks such as the expulsion of Man from the Garden of Eden. They are the guardians of the fixed stars, the keepers of celestial records and the givers of knowlegde.
This actually answered a few questions I had. Last year my friend had said to me that she got the feeling I was looking for something and asked me what it was. My reply was simple "Knowledge" So this new event occuring in my life is a new beginning in my quest for knowledge.

I hope you have enjoyed my new adventure.... May the stars from the heavens shine and smile at you and guide you on your new journey.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Animal Spirits

Throughout history tribal and ancient cultures have seeked guidance from their animal spirits. In the Amazon jungle the Native Indians would go into trances to contact their guides for help in their lives and tribe. These same rituals were also used by American Indians, Australian Aborigines, African Bushmen and more. All these individuals would invoke their guides for inspiration and guidance.

In today's world where people are seeking guidance and inner peace away from the hectic daily grind of their lives more and more people are seeking the way of the ancients. People of todays society are realising that there is something missing from their lives and are going back to the way of the elders.

Following is some information that I have found on Animal Spirits and how you can make contact with your guide.

Also for added interest I have added the Native American Zodiac.

Animal and Spiritual Guides Spirit Animals

Spirit Animals are animals that we are born with. Native Americans believe that upon birth an animal's spirit enters into that person. Its duties are to keep each person strong and wise as well as to excel in matters of attributes given to that Animal.A Deer is an animal of love, tenderness, and swiftness.

There is an old story about the animal kingdom wanting to get into heaven to see the Almighty God. At a council meeting all the animals stood up to tell why they would be the most appropriate one to get to the kingdom of God.

The Bear stood up and said, “I, Bear, who is the strongest bravest creature will go to see the Creator". Upon the road to the Creator stood a big, nasty, monster. The bear took one look and ran back to the animal kingdom to tell of the nasty, monster.

The Eagle Screeched, "I will fly over the monster to get to see the Creator". Off went the eagle. He flew higher and higher and got closer to the kingdom of the Creator than any other animal before. He started to screech a prayer. "Almighty Great Creator, I so would like to see You". The Almighty Creator said, "It is true you are the best at reaching high enough to talk to me, but a messenger is all you will be. Tell the rest of the animals that they have to go through the red road of truth to find me". The eagle said to The Almighty Creator," But there is a monster in the way, how can we cross?The Almighty said no further. The eagle went back and told all the animals of what the Almighty had said to him. And all the animals started to fight and argue.
The Deer hearing such a roar jumped so high he landed right in front of the nasty monster. The deer looked into the eyes of the monster and stared. The monster looked deep into the deer's eyes and saw love, warmth and tenderness, and upon seeing that the monster melted away. And so the deer was the first to go through the red road of truth to see the Almighty.

How to Find Your Animal Spirit Guide

Take a long, slow, deep breath. Find that quiet place inside yourself. Go into your place of inner vision. Imagine yourself as an ancient Shaman sitting on the top of a tall, sacred cliff at sunset.
You face the west and feel the last warm rays of the sun as it sinks below the horizon. You honour the west as the place of sacred dreams and inner vision, balance and self-healing. You have come to this sacred cliff to seek totem's for your inner wisdom. These totem's may never have form on your Earth Walk planes. These totem's may come to you only in your place of inner vision. They will be totem's of great power, And will bring you gifts of self, gifts of nature, and gifts of spirit. These totem's may be your special secret Medicine, kept sacred in your heart.
These totem's may reflect your higher self in balance. These totem's may form your inner Medicine Circle, your circle of self-healing, your Sanctuary of source.
The evening sun sets behind the horizon, leaving a veil of twilight in its place. In this quiet time between the world of day and the world of night, you call your sacred medicine circle together. This circle represents your inner powers-known only to yourself, shared with no one. You make your own medicine.
Still facing the West, you call forth your sacred inner totem from the West. This is your Dream Speaker totem. This totem calls forth images of wisdom from your inner vision. Let this totem emerge in your inner vision. This totem carries the water of your water, the depth of your inner most emotions. This is your Dream Speaker self-connector.
Take all the time you need to communicate with your totem. When you are ready, turn to face the North.
Facing the North, you call forth your sacred inner totem from the North. This is your Elder totem. This totem calls forth your helping guides to sacred wisdom. Let this totem emerge in your inner vision. This totem carries the Earth of your waters, the wisdom of your intuition.... This is your Elder self-connector.
Take all the time you need to communicate with your totem. When you are ready,turn to face the East.
Facing the East, you call forth your sacred inner totem from the East. This is your Sacred Clown totem. This totem calls forth divine humor and inspiration. Let this totem emerge in your inner vision. This totem carries the Air of your water, the creativity of your inner balance. This is your Sacred Clown self-connector.
Take all the time you need to communicate with your totem. When you are ready, turn to face the South.
Facing South, you call forth your sacred inner totem from the south. This is your Guardian totem. This totem calls forth healing harmony in all aspects of yourself. Let this totem emerge in your inner vision. This totem carries the Fire of your water, the protection of your self-healing. This is your Guardian Self-connector.
Take all the time you need to communicate with your totem. When you are ready, turn to face the West once more.
Stand facing the West. Now slowly look upward and call forth your inner totem from Spirit. This is your Creator totem. This totem calls forth the depths of your soul consciousness. Let this totem emerge in your inner vision. This totem carries the Spirit of your water, the gifts of your sacred dreams. This is your Creator self-connector.
Take all the time you need to communicate with your totem. When you are ready, lean down and touch the Earth.
Touching the Earth, call forth your sacred inner totem from the Earth. This is your Sacred Mother totem. This totem calls forth sustenance from the inner mother. Let this totem emerge in your inner vision. This totem carries the Heart of your water, the compassion of your inner knowing. This is your Sacred Mother self-connector.
Take all the time you need to communicate with your totem. When you are ready, go deeper inside yourself to find your quiet place.
In your quiet place, call forth your sacred inner totem of self-image. This is your Magic Lake totem. This totem calls forth self-recognition from within. Let this totem emerge in your inner vision. This totem carries the reflection of your water, the strength of introspection. This is your Magic Mirror self-connector.
Take all the time you need to communicate with your totem. When you are ready, stand and face the West once more. Give honor to the West, place of inner visions, healing balance, and sacred inner wisdom.
Honor all of your totem's in your medicine circle for the qualities they represent and for the elements they balance in yourself.
Allow yourself to return slowly from the quiet place of within. Know that you carry the energy of your sacred inner totem's within your heart. Know that your Medicine Circle is always there for your Journey. Return to present time and place. Go in balance.
There are 7 directions, not 4:South, West, North, East, up(Spirit), Down(Earth), And Within(Self) Also there is a left and right side.
The Right side: This animal protects your male side and teaches you that, no matter where youturn, it will be your Father-protector within. This Animal also carries your courageand Warrior spirit.
The left Side: This animal is the protector of your female side and teaches you that you mustlearn to receive abundance as well as to nurture yourself and others. The left-side animal is also your teacher about relationships and mothering.
(To learn more about this Read: "In The Shadow of the Shaman" By: Amber Wolf)
(Use at least one totem from each world).
Find yourself a medicine bag that can hang around your neck. Place in this bag one of each item.
Mineral World--A stone, any kind you feel drawn to except a crystal or gem.
Animal World--A small feather, bit of fur, claw, whiskers, rabbit tails, wings of butterflies, snake skin.
Plant World--Dried flowers, leaves, herbs, interesting twigs or roots.
Human World--Personal charms, buttons, hair, chains, locket, tiny figures, such asminiatures from games and models.
Add a seed or a nut for growth, Add a crystal or gem stone for spirit, Add a colored marble, bead, or ribbon for your special color.
Let no one see or touch your bag or its contents.
Native American Zodiac:

Taken from "Earth Medicine, a Shamanic way to Self Discovery" by Kenneth Meadows

To find out what animal you are in the Native American Zodiac just look for your birth date (Month/Day) and you will find the animal that corresponds to it.

Falcon People: 3/21 - 4/19
Beaver People: 4/20 - 5/20
Deer People: 5/21 - 6/20
Woodpecker People: 6/21 - 7/21
Salmon People: 7/22 - 8/21
Brown Bear People: 8/22 - 9/21
Crow People: 9/22 - 10/22
Snake People: 10/23 - 11/22
Owl People: 11/23 - 12/21
Goose People: 12/22 - 1/19
Otter People: 1/20 - 2/18
Wolf People: 2/19 - 3/20

Falcon People

Birth Dates: March 21 - April 19
Earth Influence: The Awakening Time
Totem: Eagle
Direction: North-East
Influencing Wind: The East Winds
Element: Fire
Elemental: Hawk (fire) Clan
Function: To Initiate
Birth & Animal Totem: Falcon
Plant Totem: Dandelion
Stone Totem: Opal
Polarity Totem: Crow
Affinity Color: Yellow/Green
Musical Vibration: C Sharp
Personality: Active, Forceful, Impetuous
Feelings: Quickly Aroused
Nature: Impulsive
Intention: Activity, New Beginnings
Positive Traits: Enterprising, Pioneering, Adventurous, Affable
Negative Traits: Selfish, Egotistical, Impatient
Sex Drive: Easily Aroused, Quick, Fiery and Passionate
Compatibility's: Salmons and Owls
Conscious Aim: To initiate and to lead
Subconscious Desire: Knowledge through personal experience
Life Path: Establishment of individuality through discernment
Spiritual Alchemy: Yang Predominates
Should Cultivate: Patience, Persistence, Compassion
Should Avoid: Vanity, Conceit, Intolerance

Beaver People
Birth Dates: April 20 - May 20
Earth Influence: The Growing Time
Totem: Eagle
Direction: East
Influencing Wind: The East Winds
Element: Earth with Fire
Elemental: Turtle (earth) Clan
Function: Consolidate
Birth & Animal Totem: Beaver
Plant Totem: Wild Clover
Stone Totem: Jasper - Bloodstone
Polarity Totem: Snake
Affinity Color: Yellow
Musical Vibration: D Sharp
Personality: Determined, Resourceful. Opinionated, Methodical
Feelings: Highly strung
Nature: Industrious
Intention: Possession
Positive Traits: Strong-willed, Business like, Persistent
Negative Traits: Possessive Self-indulgent
Sex Drive: Demanding
Compatibility's: Woodpeckers. Brown Bears, Geese
Conscious Aim: Security through possession
Subconscious Desire: Freedom from attachments
Life Path: Discover and possess that which has lasting value
Spiritual Alchemy: Yin Predominates
Should Cultivate: Adaptability Enterprise, Compassion
Should Avoid: Possessiveness, Inflexibility, Stubbornness

Deer People
Birth Date: May 21 - June 20
Earth Influence: The Flowering time
Totem: Eagle
Direction: South East
Influencing Wind: The East Winds
Element: Air with Fire
Elemental: Butterfly (air) Clan
Function: To Observe
Birth & Animal Totem: Deer
Plant Totem: Mullein
Stone Totem: Agate
Polarity Totem: Owl
Affinity Color: Orange
Musical Vibration: E Natural
Personality: Quick, Alert, Talkative, Congenial, Moody
Feelings: Sensitive but superficial
Nature: Lively
Intention: Versatility
Positive Traits: Friendly, witty and intellectual
Negative Traits: Inconsistent, Restless, Lazy &; Despondent
Sex Drive: Titillating
Compatibility's: Crows and Otters
Conscious Aim: To bring together
Subconscious Desire: Mastery of the mind
Life Path: Coordination
Spiritual Alchemy: Yang Predominates
Should Cultivate: Concentration, persistence, sympathy
Should Avoid: Moodiness, inconsistency and superficiality

Woodpecker People
Birth Dates: June 21 - July 20
Earth Influence: The Long days time
Totem: Mouse
Direction: South, South East
Influencing Wind: The South Winds
Element: Water
Elemental: Frog (water) Clan
Function: To Merge
Birth & Animal Totem: Woodpecker
Plant Totem: Wild Rose
Stone Totem: Rose Quarts
Polarity Totem: Goose
Affinity Color: Rose
Musical Vibration: F Natural
Personality: Emotional, Sensitive, protective and vulnerable
Feelings: Maternal/Paternal. Romantic
Nature: Exacting
Intention: Devotions
Positive Traits: Imaginative, Tender, Thrifty &; Sympathetic
Negative Traits: Possessive, Moody and Unforgiving
Sex Drive: Needful
Compatibility's: Snakes, Wolves and Beavers
Conscious Aim: Emotional unfoldment
Subconscious Desire: Timeliness
Life Path: Assimilation
Spiritual Alchemy: Yin Predominates
Should Cultivate: Intuitiveness, Resourcefulness, Forgiveness
Should Avoid: Self-pity, Envy, Possessiveness

Salmon People
Birth Dates: July 22 - August 21
Earth Influence: The Ripening Time
Totem: Mouse
Direction: South
Influencing Wind: The South Winds
Element: Fire with Water
Elemental: Hawk (fire) Clan
Function: To do
Birth & Animal Totem: Salmon
Plant Totem: Raspberry
Stone Totem: Carnelian
Polarity Totem: Otter
Affinity Color: Red
Musical Vibration: F Sharp
Personality: Proud, energetic, confident &; enthusiastic
Feelings: Passionate &; intense
Nature: Demanding
Intention: Rulership
Positive Traits: Generous, magnanimous, creative
Negative Traits: Domineering, arrogant, dogmatic &; intolerant
Sex Drive: Insatiable
Compatibility's: Owls and Falcons
Conscious Aim: To Rule
Subconscious Desire: Emotional Stability
Life Path: To find purpose
Spiritual Alchemy: Yang Predominates
Should Cultivate: Tolerance, Sound Judgment &; Emotional Stability
Should Avoid: Arrogance, egotism, indolence &; pomposity

Brown Bear People
Birth Dates: August 22 - September 21
Earth Influence: The Harvesting Time
Totem: Mouse
Direction: South, South West
Influencing Wind: The South Winds
Element: Earth With Water
Elemental: Turtle (earth) Clan
Function: To Modify
Birth & Animal Totem: Brown Bear
Plant Totem: Violets
Stone Totem: Topaz
Polarity Totem: Wolf
Affinity Color: Brown and Violet
Musical Vibration: G Natural
Personality: Industrious, unassuming, practical, &; fastidious
Feelings: Warm and analytical
Nature: Considerate
Intention: Practicality
Positive Traits: Modest, discriminating and meticulous
Negative Traits: Faultfinding, finicky, hypocritical, &; fussy
Sex Drive: Moralistic
Compatibility's: Geese and Beavers
Conscious Aim: Sifting and Striving
Subconscious Desire: Perfection
Life Path: Discrimination
Spiritual Alchemy: Yin Predominates
Should Cultivate :Optimism and Tolerance

Should Avoid: Skepticism, faultfinding and procrastination

Crow People
Birth Dates: September 22 - October 22
Earth Influence: The Falling leaves time
Totem: Grizzly Bear
Direction: Southwest
Influencing Wind: The West Winds
Element: Air with Earth
Elemental: Butterfly (air) Clan
Function: To initiate ideas
Birth & Animal Totem: Crow
Plant Totem: Ivy
Stone Totem: Azurite
Polarity Totem: Falcon
Affinity Color: Blue
Musical Vibration: A Natural
Personality: Charming, Friendly, Good natured &; Tolerant
Feelings: Sensitive
Nature: Justice
Intention: Cooperative
Positive Traits: Idealistic, Romantic &; Diplomatic
Negative Traits: Indecisive, Frivolous, Gullible and Resentful
Sex Drive: Strong
Compatibility's: Otter and Deer
Conscious Aim: Partnership
Subconscious Desire: Harmony and Beauty
Life Path: Harmonization
Spiritual Alchemy: Yang Predominates
Should Cultivate: Decisiveness, constancy, impartiality &; inspiration
Should Avoid: Indecision, uncertainty, inconsistency

Snake People
Birth Dates: October 23 - November 22
Earth Influence: The Frost time
Totem: Grizzly Bear
Direction: West
Influencing Wind: The West Winds
Element: Water with Earth
Elemental: Frog (water) Clan
Function: Mental Involvement
Birth & Animal Totem: Snake
Plant Totem: Thistle
Stone Totem: Amethyst
Polarity Totem: Beaver
Affinity Color: Violet
Musical Vibration: B Natural
Personality: Intense, impulsive, ambitious, determined &; mysterious
Feelings: Hidden
Nature: Inquiring
Intention: Introspection
Positive Traits: Purposeful, discerning &; imaginative
Negative Traits: Resentful, stubborn, secretive &; suspicious
Sex Drive: Intense
Compatibility's: Woodpecker &; Wolves
Conscious Aim: Satisfaction
Subconscious Desire: Spiritual Union
Life Path: Sensitivity
Spiritual Alchemy: Yin Predominates
Should Cultivate: Determination, adaptability &; creativity
Should Avoid: Egotism, Arrogance, Envy &; Despondency

Owl People
Birth Dates: November 23 - December 21
Earth Influence: The Long nights Time
Totem: Grizzly Bear
Direction: North-West
Influencing Wind: The West Winds
Element: Fire with Earth
Elemental: Hawk (fire) Clan
Function: Changing things
Birth & Animal Totem: Owls
Plant Totem: Mistletoe
Stone Totem: Obsidian
Polarity Totem: Deer
Affinity Color: Gold
Musical Vibration: C Sharp
Personality: Jovial, Warmhearted, Adventurous, Independent
Feelings: Warm
Nature: Sincere
Intention: Objectivity
Positive Traits: Versatile, Adaptable, Scrupulous
Negative Traits: Restless, Tactless &; boisterous
Sex Drive: Adventurous
Compatibility's: Salmons and Falcons
Conscious Aim: Understanding
Subconscious Desire: Determination
Life Path: Elevation
Spiritual Alchemy: Yang and Yin Balanced
Should Cultivate: Concentration, Optimism and enthusiasm
Should Avoid: Overindulgence, exaggeration and greed

Goose People
Birth Dates: December 22 - January 19
Earth Influence: The Renewal Time
Totem: Buffalo
Direction: North, Northwest
Influencing Wind: The North Winds
Element: Earth With Air
Elemental: Turtle (earth) Clan
Function: Preparing the Ground
Birth &; Animal Totem: Goose
Plant Totem: Bramble
Stone Totem: Peridot
Polarity Totem: Woodpecker
Affinity Color: White
Musical Vibration: D Sharp an octave above Beavers
Personality: Self demanding, reliable, prudent &; austere
Feelings: Self Centered
Nature: Severe
Intention: Trust
Positive Traits: Ambitious, determined, persevering
Negative Traits: Rigid, pessimistic, demanding &; selfish
Sex Drive: Sensual &; long lasting
Compatibility's: Beavers, Brown Bears &; Crows
Conscious Aim: Conservation
Subconscious Desire: Integrity
Life Path: Adaptation
Spiritual Alchemy: Yin Predominates
Should Cultivate: Sociability &; effective self expression
Should Avoid: Self doubt &; pessimism

Otter People
Birth Dates: January 20 - February 18
Earth Influence: The Cleansing time
Totem: Buffalo
Direction: North
Influencing Wind: The North Winds
Element: Air
Elemental: Butterfly (air) Clan
Function: To Carry through
Birth &; Animal Totem: Otter
Plant Totem: Fern
Stone Totem: Turquoise
Polarity Totem: Salmon
Affinity Color: Silver
Musical Vibration: E Natural an octave above Deer
Personality: Friendly, unconventional, independent, &; dynamic
Feelings: Detached
Nature: Humanitarian
Intention: Imagination
Positive Traits: Inventive, reforming, &; perceptive
Negative Traits: Unpredictable, rebellious, tactless &; eccentric
Sex Drive: Hot &; Cold
Compatibility's: Crows, Falcons &; Deer
Conscious Aim: Knowledge
Subconscious Desire: Wisdom
Life Path: Creative Strength
Spiritual Alchemy: Yin Predominates
Should Cultivate: Inventiveness, Tolerance, Courage
Should Avoid: Rebelliousness &; eccentricity

Wolf People
Birth Dates: February 19 - March 20
Earth Influence: The Blustery Winds time
Totem: Buffalo
Direction: North, Northeast
Influencing Wind: The North Winds
Element: Water with Air
Elemental: Frog (water) Clan
Function: Recovery
Birth &; Animal Totem: Wolf
Plant Totem: Plantain
Stone Totem: Jade
Polarity Totem: Brown Bear
Affinity Color: Blue Green
Musical Vibration: F sharp an octave above Salmon
Personality: Compassionate, benevolent, generous, artistic &; gentle
Feelings: Deep
Nature: Trusting
Intention: Understanding
Positive Traits: Sympathetic, Adaptable, Impressionable &; sensitive
Negative Traits: Impractical, Vague, Timid &; Indecisive
Sex Drive: Tender
Compatibility's: Woodpecker, Brown Bears &; Snakes
Conscious Aim: Freedom
Subconscious Desire: Identity
Life Path: Love
Spiritual Alchemy: Yin Predominates
Should Cultivate: Intuition, creativity and Understanding
Should Avoid: Timidity, indolence &; impracticality

Monday, March 13, 2006

Twelve Signs of Your Awakening Divinty

The Shaumbra Symptoms

Twelve Signs of Your Awakening Divinity By Geoffrey Hoppe and Tobias© Copyright 2001 by Geoffrey Hoppe, Golden, CO. Prepared in collaboration with Tobias of the Crimson Circle. Please distribute freely for non-commercial purposes. For more information, visit the Crimson Circle, website at http://www.crimsoncircle.com/

1. Body aches and pains, especially in the neck, shoulder and back. This is the result of intense changes at your DNA level as the "Christ seed" awakens within. This too shall pass.

2. Feeling of deep inner sadness for no apparent reason. You are releasing your past (this lifetime and others) and this causes the feeling of sadness. This is similar to the experience of moving from a house where you lived in for many, many years into a new house. As much as you want to move into the new house, there is a sadness of leaving behind the memories, energy and experiences of the old house. This too shall pass.

3. Crying for no apparent reason. Similar to #2 above. It’s good and healthy to let the tears flow. It helps to release the old energy within. This too shall pass.

4. Sudden change in job or career. A very common symptom. As you change, things around you will change as well. Don’t worry about finding the "perfect" job or career right now. This too shall pass. You’re in transition, and you may make several job changes before you settle into one that fits your passion.

5. Withdrawal from family relationships. You are connected to your biological family via old karma. When you get off the karmic cycle, the bonds of the old relationships are released. It will appear as though you are drifting away from your family and friends. This too shall pass. After a period of time, you may develop a new relationship with them if it is appropriate. However, the relationship will be based in the new energy without the karmic attachments.

6. Unusual sleep patterns. It’s likely that you’ll awaken many nights between 2:00& 4:00 a.m. There’s a lot of work going on within you, and it often causes you to wake up for a "breather." Not to worry. If you can’t go back to sleep, get up and do something rather than lay in bed and worry about humanly things. This too shall pass.

7. Intense dreams. These might include war and battle dreams, chase dreams or monster dreams. You are literally releasing the old energy within, and these energies of the past are often symbolized as wars, running to escape and boogeyman. This too shall pass.

8. Physical disorientation. At times you’ll feel very ungrounded. You’ll be "spatially challenged" with the feeling like you can’t put two feet on the ground or that you’re walking between two worlds. As your consciousness transitions into the new energy, your body sometimes lags behind. Spend more time in nature to help ground the new energy within. This too shall pass.

9. Increased "self talk." You’ll find yourself talking to your Self more often. You’ll suddenly realize you’ve been chattering away with yourself for the past 30 minutes. There is a new level of communication taking place within your being, and you’re experiencing the tip of the iceberg with the self talk. The conversations will increase, and they will become more fluid, more coherent and more insightful. You’re not going crazy, you’re just Shaumbra moving into the new energy.

10. Feelings of loneliness, even when in the company of others. You may feel alone and removed from others. You may feel the desire to "flee" groups and crowds. As Shaumbra, you are walking a sacred and lonely path. As much as the feelings of loneliness cause you anxiety, it is difficult to relate to others at this time. The feelings of loneliness are also associated with the fact that your Guides have departed. They have been with you on all of your journeys in all of your lifetimes. It was time for them to back away so you could fill your space with your own divinity. This too shall pass. The void within will be filled with the love and energy of your own Christ consciousness.

11. Loss of passion. You may feel totally disimpassioned, with little or no desire to do anything. That’s okay, and it’s just part of the process. Take this time to "do no-thing." Don’t fight yourself on this, because this too shall pass. It’s similar to rebooting a computer. You need to shut down for a brief period of time in order to load the sophisticated new software, or in this case, the new Christ-seed energy.

12. A deep longing to go Home. This is perhaps the most difficult and challenging of any of the conditions. You may experience a deep and overwhelming desire to leave the planet and return to Home. This is not a "suicidal" feeling. It is not based in anger or frustration. You don’t want to make a big deal of it or cause drama for yourself or other. There is a quiet part of you that wants to go Home. The root cause for this is quite simple. You have completed your karmic cycles. You have completed your contract for this lifetime. You are ready to begin a new lifetime while still in this physical body. During this transition process, you have inner remembrances of what it is like to be on the other side. Are you ready to enlist for another tour of duty here on Earth? Are you ready to take on the challenges of moving into the New Energy? Yes, indeed, you could go Home right now. But you’ve come this far, and after many, many lifetimes it would be a shame to leave before the end of the movie. Besides, Spirit needs you here to help others transition into the new energy. They will need a human guide, just like you, who has taken the journey from the old energy into the new. The path you’re walking right now provides the experiences to enable you to become a Teacher of the New Divine Human. As lonely and dark as your journey can be at times, remember that you are never alone.